All of us at some point in our lives, have thought of time traveling, right? Many
of us have thought about traveling back in time and amending the mistakes
that still make us regret or embarrassed.
This is what gives rise to the issues associated with time travel. Even if you
make use of time travel spells to go back in time, amending past events might
result in altering the course of history in the most unpredictable ways.
In this blog, we will discuss the ethical conundrums that come associated with
time traveling. So, let’s fasten the seat belts and kick-start the journey!
Ethical Considerations of Time Travel
Imagine this. You’ve bought a spell to go back in time to mend a few past
events to see how your life would’ve turned out! However, this can lead to
unpredictable and sometimes catastrophic outcomes, no matter how noble an
alteration that might be!
Following are some of the ethical conundrums that come associated with time
The Butterfly Effect
One of the major consequences of amending past events while time-traveling
is the cause of the butterfly effect. Chaos theory explains that the world along
with all its elements is deeply interconnected with each other. So, even a
minute occurrence or change can influence and cause enormous and
unpredictable consequences.
Supposedly, you went back in time and prevented some significant historic
events from happening. However noble your intentions might have been to
stop a war or a treaty, it would ripple through time and create a chain of events
that lead to a different outcome. It might bring about a disaster, or bring about
positive results!
Now, you may think that preventing a war can be a great move to promote
peace and prevent the loss of a thousand lives. But, what you don’t
understand, or probably can’t imagine is that you will be responsible to create
a future that might be far worse than what it is at present!
The Paradox Effect
Another one of the major consequences of altering past events while time-
traveling, is the paradox effect! And one of the most popular among paradoxes
is the ‘grandfather paradox.’
If you use a spell for time travel, and prevent your grandparents from meeting
up, what do you think the consequence might be? Will it not make your
existence in this world an impossible thing?! Logically, such a situation is highly
Another paradox theory deals with free will and the nature of casualty.
According to this theory, the world is running based on the fundamental laws of
physics. So, when you are about to alter past events, is it possible for you to
make the amendments without violating the laws of physics?
A straight answer to this query is “No.” Because the concept of time travel
itself violates some basic laws of physics. However, if you choose to buy magic
spells online, and utilize them to travel back in time, you can have a chance to
create paradoxes. However, remember that the consequences will also affect
your life dearly, and you may start seeing random people vanishing as you’ve
altered their existential state from the past!
Ignorance is Bliss!
You might’ve heard the saying “knowledge is power,” right? But did you know
that knowledge can sometimes feel like the heaviest of burdens that can
disrupt an entire ecosystem?
For instance, we all are worried about our future, and all our efforts of visiting
astrologers, tarot card readers, or psychics, boil down to one simple reason- to
know about what the future holds!
Now, imagine this. A person has travelled through time and knows all the
upcoming events including disasters, wars, political dilemmas, etc. So, what is
this individual supposed to do now?
Ethically, he/ she might announce their reality, and warn us of the upcoming
future so that we remain fully prepared to face any consequences. However,
this will trigger the butterfly effect and even the paradox effect, and we might
not know what the future has saved for us!
Another option for this individual is to stay quiet and allow the events to unfold
as it was meant to be. That would mean that even after knowing what would
happen, the person kept calm and allowed it to happen. It is at this point, that
knowledge truly feels like a burden that forces people to choose between chaos
and peace! And that’s why ignorance is considered the ultimate blissful state!
Wrapping It Up
So, the next time you think of time traveling, sit back and try to think of a good
reason that can back up your wish. If it is related to altering some events of
your past life to hope for a better future, a change your life spell from reputed
sources like Jessica Black’s Spell Collections is more than enough to make your
life better!
Meta Description: Read the blog to explore some of the ethical conundrums that
come associated with time travel and why ignorance is better than knowledge